Is your computer running slow...?
Or at least, slower than normal?

Is it behaving strangely?
Maybe your computer is infected with a virus or malware.
Are you getting the infamous "BLUE SCREEN"?
Does your system decide to reboot on its own?

Like a car, your computer might need a tune-up every now and then which improves speed and performance.


Need your WIFI secured or new programs installed?
Do you want parental controls configured?
Or help keeping all your programs up to date & secure?
I can also eliminate most email spam with no filters (this requires a little effort on your part).


All you need is an Internet connection, a telephone and a little help from Time Out.  I will access your computer through a remote connection, check for spyware and viruses, determine any problems, and help you figure out the best solution problems or needs.  It’s simple, convenient and since it is a remote service your PC stays at home, where you can watch and learn from everything I do.

No minimum, No connection charge, just $20/hr, and my work is free if, I can’t speed up your PC and/or I don’t find any programs that need updating.

To contact me, please call: 315-337-2578 or
